Saturday, August 3, 2013

Route 66 A Trip To Get Our Kicks

Historic US 66 sign on pole
Today we begin with a musical journey that many have taken before. We are going to get our kicks on Route 66. You know the song:
If you ever plan to motor west,
Travel my way, take the highway that is best.
Get your kicks on Route 66.
It winds from Chicago to LA,
More than two thousand miles all the way.
Get your kicks on Route 66.
Now you go through Saint Louis
Joplin, Missouri,
And Oklahoma City is mighty pretty.
You see Amarillo,
Gallup,New Mexico,
Flagstaff, Arizona.
Don't forget Winona,
Kingman, Barstow, San Bernandino.
Won't you get hip to this timely tip:
When you make that California trip
Get your kicks on Route 66.
Won't you get hip to this timely tip:
When you make that California trip
Get your kicks on Route 66.
Get your kicks on Route 66.
Get your kicks on Route 66.
By: Bob Troupe
 Lyrics © TROUP-LONDON ,LLC DBA TROUP-LONDON MUSIC, Universal Music Publishing Group
This song and this highway have inspired me to create a mash up of sorts. Starting with Chicago and following its iconic path, I plan to build a music play list to create a sort of audio journey across the country. As I do so, I plan to blog a bit about my song choices as well as sharing other interesting tidbits I can find along the way. So put a tiger in your tank and fire up the am radio. LA or bust!

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Keep Traveling!
To read more Old Highway Notes, choose an off ramp and click on the highway sign:
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