Sunday, October 20, 2013

Highway 101 First Post

Highway 101 shield
Image source Wikipedia

Now that we have been motoring on Route 66 for a while, I think I am ready to start a second trip. I am not abandoning Route 66. Quite honestly, I have been enjoying the process of discovery this project has enabled.

With that in mind, I want to explore another road. In contrast to my relative lack of experience traveling Route 66 (I have only covered a little of Arizona and the California portion), I have traveled every mile of Hwy 101 and many sections of it countless times. In my opinion, it is an amazing drive, and probably my favorite highway. It also has a rich history which should make for interesting virtual travel.

Other contrasts with Route 66 are musical. Unlike the Mother Road, Hwy 101 doesn't really have a theme song. There are a few themes, which I will get to later, but nothing like the prolific Nat King Cole track.

Route 66 is also very modern in comparison to Hwy 101.The roots of highway 101 in California date back to the first European settlers as El Camino Real or The Kings Road linked the early California missions. Highway 101 follows that route much of the way.

Highway 101 goes by many names, El Camino Real, Pacific Coast Highway, Ventura Highway, Hollywood Freeway, PCH, 101 or in some places simply the Coast Highway It passes through some of the largest cities on the west coast and also through some of the most remote areas. It also has a dual nature in several places along its route. Generally it hugs the west coast of the U.S.

At points the highway swing inward, and at some of THOSE points you will find state hwy 1 sticking to the coast while the main road swings inland. Due to my love of the beach, when that happens I will probably cover both routes in my discussion.

Well, I don't know about you, but I have my sunscreen on for the South and my flannel stowed away for the North and am ready to hit the road. Won't you join me?
Highway 101 Map
Image source Wikipedia

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