Saturday, November 29, 2014

Christmas in Florida

Christmas time is here, by golly,
Disapproval would be folly,
Deck the halls with hunks of holly,
Fill the cup and don't say "when."

Kill the turkeys, ducks and chickens,
Mix the punch, drag out the Dickens,
Even though the prospect sickens,
Brother, here we go again.
-Tom Lehrer A Christmas Carol

Port St Lucie Florida(Flickr User Kim Seng/CC)
Port St. Lucie, Florida was our stop on Interstate 95 as we headed North in our last post from the Interstate. As we enter the Christmas season, lets see what we can about how the city celebrates the holiday.

Port St. Lucie is was developed in the late 20th century, but was hit very hard by the 2008 housing crisis. There are many vacant properties.. Being very residential community all of that vacancy can't be great for community building. The city may be rebounding as this video shows. I hope so.

Searching the Internet led me to very few images or videos or holiday events to share. I hope that the holidays are more fun there than the Internet might cause me to believe. Perhaps the most interesting find when searching YouTube for Christmas in St Lucie Florida was this video which is only marginally Christmas related, but is a neat view of the city.

I did find a few examples of Port St. Lucie related holiday cheer.The city does have an annual tree lighting ceremony...

Then city hall gets enthused and you get ....this...

Finally, we do have at least one citizen of Port St Lucie who turns his house into a freakin' holiday wonderland for Christmas. I salute the homeowners and hope they have a very Merry Christmas!

Playlist Additions

Florida is associated with Jimmy Buffett just like Colorado is associated with John Denver, or California with the Beach Boys, or New York with the Ramones, you get the picture. Jimmy Buffett also made a Christmas album and that is our playlist addition for this week as we look into Christmas In Florida.

Christmas Island is just what you would expect from Jimmy Buffett in a Christmas album. His Caribbean beach infused Southern folk rock sound pervades the album with a little more of the playful swing style of his later years and a ballad or two thrown in for good measure.. It is a must-have for any ParrotHeads music collection.

On the album, Jimmy stays away from the most traditional of Christmas music with only Jingle Bells and Up On the Housetop making appearances. Instead he offers his sound to modern Christmas classics like Chuck Berry's Run Rudolph Run and John Lennon's Happy Xmas (War Is Over). In addition to the rock classics, he throws in a few older swing era "island" Christmas songs like the title track and Mele Kalikimaka. Always with his trademark sound.

The original songs on the album are what really stand out and make this a Jimmy Buffett album. A Sailors Christmas will pull at the heart strings of anyone who has ever had to spend a Christmas alone and far from home. Ho Ho Ho and A Bottle Of Rum deserves to be a modern classic. It is a lot more fun than Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer, if you ask me. Merry Christmas Alabama wraps up the album and is like the classic Christmas letter, where he reprises his career and thanks his fans for making it happen.

A bonus track of Buffett reading the classic A Visit from St. Nicholas is a fun addition for his loyal fan base.

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Album: Christmas Island Jimmy Buffett,
  • Christmas Island
  • Jingle Bells
  • A Sailor's Christmas
  • Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
  • Up on the House Top
  • Mele Kalikimaka
  • Run Rudolph Run
  • Ho Ho Ho & a Bottle of Rum
  • I'll Be Home for Christmas
  • Merry Christmas, Alabama (Never Far from Home)
  • A Visit from St. Nicholas (hidden track)

Signing Off And Coming Attractions

Full disclosure: I have never traveled Interstate 95 and have also never been to Florida. If you are from Port St. Lucie and you think I got it all wrong, I would love to hear from you in the comments. Tell me how it really is in your fair city. For everyone else, here is some free advice. Try to relax and ENJOY the holiday season. That is what it is all about. What do you want for Christmas? Tell me about in the comments. Myself, I keep hoping for Peace On Earth and Goodwill to Man. I hope you can give me my gift and be excellent to each other.

Mileage Stats

Route 66: 0 Miles/1 State/700 Tracks/173 Videos/32 Posts

Highway 101: 22 Miles/2 Countries/1 State/518 Tracks/247 Videos/25 Posts

Interstate 95: 123 Miles/1 State/68 Tracks/109 Videos/13 Posts

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