Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Decline and Revival from the 1960's to the present/Route 66 An Overview of the Mother Road Part 3

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Into the 1970's and 1980's the road had become a sort of ghost town. Its colorful strips of neon had turned to sun bleached faded paint and boarded up store fronts. But the old highway had gained such a foothold in the American imagination that a movement began to save it. Slowly, and this is still happening, the old businesses began to be revived and tourism came to experience the great American highway  as it was in perhaps its most vibrant times.

The story of the highway has become such a part of the American
CarsLand Disney's California Adventure
Image from Wikipedia.
tradition that the 2006's Pixar's film "Cars" recreated a fantasy version of the highway which became a blockbuster hit film. It inspired sequels,  milions of dollars in merchandizing and even a section of a them park dedicated to

The future looks bright for the old highway, with its recent publicity as well as a popular movement to preserve the remnants of a golden age in American history are likely to add to its legends as new generations create their own memories on this famous strip of asphalt.

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