Saturday, September 7, 2013

Illinois: An introduction and 2 tours of Route 66

Illinois. It is the start of Route 66. I have never been there, so my experience of the state is just what I know from history, geography and popular culture. My apologies if my viewpoint is naive and cliche.

Images of Illinois in my mind: The land of Lincoln, the heart of the Midwest, the shores of Lake Michigan, home to Chicago. Chicago! Stockyards, Sears, The Windy City,  the great fire, railroads, gangsters, the blues, political corruption, Mayor Daly, Lake Shore Drive, The Loop, The El, Da Bears, Da Bulls, The Blackhawks, White Sox and Cubs. Wrigley Field and heartbreak in September, cold beer and ivy covered walls, hot dogs with pickles and deep dish pizza. Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, the great northward migration, and industry.

Illinois has a lot of draw and I am sure at some point I will visit. But for now I will have to make my travel virtually. I found two clips that combine to give a feel for how the remnants of Route 66 are today.I hope you enjoy them. Discover Illinois throws out their pitch:

Here is a homemade clip from that does a pretty good job of making you feel like you were driving the route. With a lot less time investment.

Now that the scene is set the next post will FINALLY make it to the music. I bet you thought I would never get there.

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